We're glad you're here.
Because we've been there too.
OPUS provides connections to mental health practitioners, support groups, and partner organizations that are dedicated to helping Experiencers.
The Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support (OPUS) was founded in the United States in 1994 in order to educate and support people having unusual or anomalous personal experiences. Such experiences may include extraordinary states of consciousness, spiritual or parapsychological phenomenon, close encounters with non-human entities, and / or UFO/UAP activity.
Through our network, OPUS connects individuals with fellow experiencers, as well as professionals in an array of mental and medical health fields who are willing and able to work with and/or believe in the nature of these events. Today, after more than twenty-five years of being a centralized connector and resource, OPUS continues to offer support for experiencers, their friends and family, and professional providers, worldwide.
All I can say to those of you who are reading this is we are not alone, YOU are not alone in this struggle, and together we can share our stories and support one another in the hopes of one day finally finding out why this is happening to us.
OPUS Support Group Member since 2019

Each paranormal or anomalous experience is completely unique, as is each Experiencer. As such, OPUS works with each individual to offer the connections and support that is needed at each moment of their journey. Continue below for an overview of each of our services or, to get started immediately, click the button to complete a Support Request Form. We will respond within 72 hours.
Our Experiencer Support Team is composed of professionals in the field of paranormal and anomalous activity with more than two centuries of combined experience, many of them Experiencers themselves.
The initial consultation with an EST Associate is a way for Experiencers to receive compassionate listening as well as referrals to resources that are a best fit for the unique aspects of the event(s) experienced.
You should be contacted by an EST associate within 72 hours after submitting your Support Request.
The consultation will take place over voice or video call (Zoom, Skype, or other platform).
Experiencers are invited to share as much of the event(s) as is comfortable and to ask the Associate questions.
After the consultation, the Experiencer will receive referrals, if desired, to particular OPUS Providers (hypnotherapists, mental health practitioners, partner organizations), support groups, and educational resources.
Consultations are offered free of charge, but donations are always welcomed. To request a consultation, please complete a Support Request Form by clicking the button below.
If this is an emergency and you are in need of immediate assistance, dial 988 to reach the nationwide crisis hotline.
Experiencer therapy and counseling have been shown to lessen chronic anxiety and mental health challenges that often follow paranormal experiences. Additionally, through the therapeutic process, Experiencers gain new insight into the events themselves and are able to move forward with new found confidence and abilities to deal with adversity. Research has shown that people who have chosen to work with a qualified counselor or therapist to explore their experiences are almost always satisfied with the decision.
The OPUS Provider Network includes more than one hundred psychiatrists, psychotherapists, licensed counselors, social workers and other mental health professionals who are all experienced with, and desire to support, Experiencers of anomalous and paranormal activity. These practitioners understand the unique needs of Experiencers and the process of integrating and learning from these events in order to ultimately facilitate the healing that is possible for every Experiencer. Many providers offer free initial consultations.

Please note: OPUS does not have a legal, financial or business relationship with any member of its provider network or provider referral list. OPUS does not have agreements to recommend specific individuals or organizations. It is at the discretion of each Experiencer which referrals to contact.
Hypnotherapy has proven safe and effective for anomalous event recall and exploration when conducted by certified and experienced practitioners. The OPUS Provider Network includes hypnotherapists in every U.S. state that are certified in basic hypnosis and therapeutic techniques, often with additional training in psychology and counseling. All of our hypnotherapists are open to, and have experience working with, patients who have encountered UFO/UAP or other anomalous phenomena.
There are several considerations to take into account before undergoing hypnotherapy, such as:
Personal readiness
The presence of interpersonal relationships or life stability to offer support with what is recalled
Preparedness for the time and budget that may be required to remember the events to satisfaction
Most hypnotherapists in our network offer a free initial consultation, and can be a valuable resource for exploring your readiness as well as describing more of the hypnotherapy process. To begin, complete our Support Request Form by clicking the button below.
Please note: these providers are independent of OPUS. Payments are made directly to the chosen provider. Many offer complimentary initial consultations.
The OPUS Support Group is a peer-facilitated support group of Experiencers from around the world who gather to discuss, share and support each other through the process of exploring and understanding their experiences. Support group members may post questions, connections, or resources, and can attend monthly online support group meetings. The community nature of our Support Group has often led to in-person meetings and lifelong friendships.

OPUS Support Group Member since 2016
“Because of my being invited to this group and welcomed with wide, warm, open arms, I feel less lost…This group has been open to hearing my crazy ideas, my dreams, my thoughts, and my theories. They have helped me in making sense of it all. They gave substance to what I have wondered about all along….I come away less confused and not obsessing so much…I think most of all is the feeling of belonging. Knowing this group is here if need be, is a comfort. For, as many pointed out, there are few, if any, places to speak openly about this…The knowledge of this collective group is astonishing.”

OPUS Support Group Member since 2018
As an experiencer, I walk through life with a secret. Over the years the weight of this secret has become a heavy burden, one that needed to be shared. The timing for joining OPUS could not have been more perfect in my life. Within this group, I have found a place for connection - one of understanding and acceptance. I was free to be me, an experiencer. Here there is a common language that we speak and understand, it is a bond that connects us - a bond that one feels within a family.

OPUS Support Group Member since 2018
I think this is a very special place, truly unique. OPUS has literally changed my life because over several years now, I’ve been able to come to terms with it all, as I continue to try to figure out what’s really going on…The privacy we have here to speak freely without ridicule make it possible to really find a solid footing, over time.

OPUS Support Group Member since 2019
There are members from all over the world - South Africa, Australia, Canada, India. Sharing our experiences and talking things through without ridicule, is a unique and invaluable resource…We share photos and drawings and uncritically explore possibilities and commonalities. I can’t thank Les and the OPUS team enough for making this possible. Just being able to clearly talk about this high strangeness with others who are going through the same keeps me grounded.
Complete a Support Request form to select what kind of support or services you are interested in, and a member of our Experiencer Support Team (EST) will respond within 72 hours. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Disclaimer: This referral is for informational purposes only. OPUS does not recommend, refer or endorse any individual or organization. Certain risks are inherent in using any support provider. You must undertake due diligence with each provider you choose to work with. By contacting the individual(s) referred here, you agree to assume all risk and responsibility, and release OPUS from all harm, damages, risk and responsibility. OPUS is not providing medical advice or encouraging you to seek professional services. Under no circumstances will OPUS be liable for any damages to the user of a referral, either direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential, that result in any way from your use of, or inability to work with any referral. The groups or individuals referred here are not employed by OPUS, nor do they have any legal, financial, or business relationship with, or obligation to, OPUS. They are in private practice and expect direct payment for their services.